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10th grade
11th grade
12th grade

Oil Pastel

Sam Sturm

"Sad Steve Buscemi" 10/18/2019

8.5inch by 9.75inch

oil pastel and watercolor paper

I thought it looked like Steve but, I think his left cheek it a little too round. I think his eyes don't pop as much in the reference photo. I started this oil pastel by taking the original image and trying to draw it in pencil then I would fill the image with the base colors. Then I will shade the rest of the image. after that, I would make the line that defines his face and after that, I finalized the image.


Choice-Based Art

Sam Sturm

"How to art"


1980  x 1080

I made this video because I wanted to make a meta-ironic response to having the choice of doing an art project where you can create anything. I was inspired from old YouTube tutorials. I like to make these videos because editing a video is really easy to change and you can adjust it so it's perfect, you can't do that with a painting. I don't really know what message I am sending while making these videos, I guess making people laugh and confused. My favorite part of the video is the intro.


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