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SARS-CoV-2 Chemistry Project:

This project is a video project that teaches the viewers how Covid-19 spreads and affects the body. 

I Thought this project was a great idea but, I bit of more the I could chew while making this one. I was going to show in my project how the virus infiltrates a cell, how it turns that cell in to a cell that reproduces the virus and how wearing a mask could protect you from Covid-19. 

I couldn't get to these things because of the animation, the animations took up 90% of my total worktime and I wished I chose a different medium so I could have a project with more information and less fancy visuals

The 12 Flavor Chicken Sandwich


If you want to make this sandwich, try this recipe:



  • 1 Gallon Plastic Sandwich Bag

  • Measuring cup

  • Spoon 

  • Oven 

  • Non stick cooking sheet 

  • Cookie tray a small bowl

  • Saucepan 

  • Frying pan 

  • Knife

  • Butter knife



  • A half stick of Butter 

  • A cup of Red Hot’s cayenne pepper hot sauce

  • 8oz Chicken breast with rib juice

  • A box of Panko 

  • A jar of Pickles

  • A bottle of White Cheddar Cheese Powder for popcorn

  • 2 slices of Toast

  • A jar of mayo 

  • A bottle Tajin Chile lime seasoning


The Recipe 


  1. Put a 8oz piece of chicken breast in a bowl of hot water until it's   completely defrosted (To dull down the rib flavors so they don’t overpower the other flavors)


  1.   Then when done defrosting squeeze out the water with a paper towel and make sure it’s as dry as possible.


           3.  Mix half a cup of hot your hot sauce with a small amount of cheese dust.


           4. You should put just enough cheese to be able to taste the aftertaste of cheese 4 seconds later.


           5. Put your chicken in a Ziplock bag with your marinated and tenderize while in the bag. (This will make the chicken soak up more flavors and make the chicken more tender.)


6. Marinate the chicken for a full 24 hours.


7. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees and place your chicken on a non stick cooking sheet and let them bake until completely dried (Your chicken will be completely cooked by now)


- What we just made was pretty much a flaming hot cheeto but in chicken form.


8. Then put back into your fridge with a paper towel on the bottom of your container for 4 hours. 


- Tip: The goal here is to get the seasoning on the chicken as dry as possible for browned butter dipping  


9. Turn on your stove to low and get a saucepan and put a half stick of butter into the pan and let it melt until the butter caramelized and turns brown.


10. Pour your browned butter into a measuring cup and carefully dip your chicken into the butter. (make sure to save it for a future step)


11.  Put a small amount of crushed panko into a small bowl and coat all the pieces of chicken if you run out just add more.


12. Put the chicken back into the oven at 250 again to warm up the chicken.


13. Heat up a frying pan to medium and melt the remaining butter from coating until the pan is completely coated


14. Put your toast on a pan and wait until both sides brown (this will make the texture of the sandwich more crispy)


15. Put your chicken on the bread then add 4 pickles on top and add your mayo in between the pickles.

16. Add your bun on top with your tajin seasoning and you now have your 12 flavor chicken sandwich


This sandwich takes multiple days to make and may or not be worth it to you depending on your tastes because of it's unhealthy nature. Overall this was still the best sandwich I've ever made in my life 

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